keywords: #Physical Computing #Video Sculpture #Arduino #Calendar
role: Concept Design / User Experience Design / Fabrication
To: Future Me is a combination of digital calendar and physical paper notes. Everyday when user pulls down the paper to a specific position, he/she will see the video message from the same day last year recorded by the user on the screen, the content is up to the user, it could be anything, could be encouraging words, or memorable moments of the day. When the video is not playing, the date will be displayed, users could set the screen to play some real-time weather or transportation informations as well.
User’s path of to: Future Me calendar
The prompt or the questions we ask in this project are:
What if people could talk to the future self?
What would they tell the future self?
Many companies has been developing products to remind you about the past, for instance, iPhone launched Memories in the Photo app, where photo albums are generated based on the location and time the pictures were taken, like “On This Day” album shows the user what photos the user took on a certain day in a past year. We would like to address “to:Future Me“ as a combination of analog and digital, allow the user to have a moment of leisure in front of the calendar roll by looking at what the “one-year-younger-self“ was doing or the message that he/she wanted to save for the future. Users could feel the touch of more traditional medium — paper and enjoy the digital experience at the same time.
Someone mentioned that this could also be a memo for older people who suffer from memory loss, we think that is an interesting and meaningful point, and we are eager to do some research about it and make a special version for them.
Below are demo videos of To: FUTURE ME.
Collaborate with:
Ellie Lin
Arduino/p5.js/Adobe AfterEffects